The group which was initiated with a purpose of fun has now turned to a well trusted and active social group in the nation. People who were sharing fun stuff and beard content amongst the groups are now the helping hands for needy people/animals and nature.
दारी ग्याङ – Nepali Beard Lovers has more than 100K+ self-organized members who would love to initiate any sort of social campaigns on their own. The team has already taken some great initiatives which have included the flood relief campaigns, earthquake relief campaigns, house building campaigns, animal saving campaigns, blood donation campaigns and a lot more.
The best part of this community is most of the members are self-initiative and organized. The team acts immediately to the needy stuff. The team is always open to any social campaigns i.e. people, education, nature, animals etc..
The group which was initiated with a purpose of fun has now turned to a well trusted and active social group in the nation. Those hands which were sharing fun and beard content amongst the groups are now the helping hands for needy people/animals and nature.
Daari Gang has more than 100K+ self-organized members who would love to initiate any sort of social campaigns on their own. The team has already taken some great initiatives which has included the flood relief campaigns, earthquake relief campaigns, house building campaigns, animal saving campaigns, blood donation campaigns and a lot more.
The best part of this community is most of the members are self-initiative and organized. The team acts immediately to the needy stuffs. The team is always open to any social campaigns i.e. people, education, nature, animals etc..
Fashion for Cause – No Shave November
Fund Raising and Cancer Awareness campaign through 'Fashion For Cause' themed event with Bearded Ramp Walk with Daari Gang. This Saturday 27th November at Chhaya Center, Thamel. 02:00 PM onwards.
दारी ग्याङको पहलमा कालजारका बिरामीलाई सहयोग
दार्चुला, मालिकार्जुन गाउँपालिकाका गम्बु बादी १४ दिनको उपचार पछि आज डिस्चार्ज भइ घर फर्किएका छन्। लकडाउनको बेला अचानक बिरामी भएका उनलाई दार्चुलाबाट कालाजार भएकोले थप उपचारका लागि जिल्ला अस्पताल दार्चुलाले सेती प्रादेशिक अस्पताल धनगढी रिफर गरेको थियो ।
कोरोना प्रभाव र लकडाउनमा दारी ग्याङ गतिविधि
कोरोना भाइरसको विश्वभर महामारी फैलिरहेको छ जसको कारण आधाआधी विश्व लकडाउनमा छ। आजको तथ्यांकअनुसार विश्वभर करिब ३२ लाख कोरोना भाइरसबाट संक्रमित भएका छन जसमध्ये २ लाख मानिसको मृत्यु भैसकेको छ।
“रक्तदान मैत्री समाज आजको आवश्यकता”
स्कुले साथी सुमन । बोनम्यारोको समस्याले गर्दा; उसलाई संधैजसो सन्चो हुदैनथ्यो । पटकपटक रगत चढाई राख्नु पर्थ्यो। त्यही क्रममा २०७३ जेठ २६ गते बुधबार साझपख उसले मलाइ फोन गरेर भन्यो ‘मलाइ रगत चढाउनु पर्नेछ, रक्तसञ्चार केन्द्र आएको छु, ‘इक्सचेन्ज’ गर्ने एक जना चाहिएको छ आउनु ।’ लगत्तै म अटो चढेर धनगढीको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या कार्यालयसंगै जोडिएको
Fashion for Cause – No Shave November
Fund Raising and Cancer Awareness campaign through 'Fashion For Cause' themed event with Bearded Ramp Walk with Daari Gang. This Saturday 27th November at Chhaya Center, Thamel. 02:00 PM onwards.
आमा प्रति समर्पित –
आमाको व्याख्या गर्न लाखौं शब्द कोरे पनि आमा शब्द आफैंमा सम्पन्न छ अर्थात परिपूर्ण छ।आमाको गरिमा जिवन्त छ। आमाको सम्मानका लागि जति शब्द कोरिए पनि आमा शब्दका अगाडी ति सवै शब्द फिक्का हुन्छन्। भन्ने जान्दा जान्दै पनि केही शब्द कोर्ने दुस्साहस गर्दै छु।हरेक बर्ष वैशाख कृष्णपक्षको औँसी तिथिलाइ हिन्दू संस्कृतिमा आमाको मुख हेर्ने दिनका रूपमा मनाउने गरिन्छ।
बसन्तको दारी साहित्य
मेरो नाम बसन्त अधिकारी । उमेर ४२ बर्ष । स्थायी बसोबास, बिराटनगर ।आनन्द हरेक मानिसको सबैभन्दा ठूलो खोजी हो । यो आनन्दका लागि कोही संगीतमा जीवन खोज्छन्, कोही गायनमा, कोही कलामा र कोही साहित्यमा ।म भने दाह्रीमा आफ्नो आनन्द खोज्ने गर्दछु । म १६ वर्षको हुँदादेखि मेरा दाह्री जुँगा पलाउन थालेका हुन् तर २० वर्षको उमेरदेखि मैले यस भित्रको कला देख्न थालेको हुँ ।
As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.